Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Seconds of Sean

School seemed to really drag today mostly because I am super tired and stayed up waaaay too late watching a movie last night. In my second class I got a call from my brother who is borrowing our Camry saying that the tire was flat and he couldnt change it because the rim was too big. That really stressed me out and kind of set the tone for the rest of my day.

I was really thankful that it happened on a side street and not the freeway and that he wasnt hurt. He ended up coming over cause he needed some help with an essay so we worked on that during my break and then off to math I went. When I got home Kari was here ready to watch the Bachelor so I got to watch a half hour with her and finished the rest by my lonesome. Now its past my bedtime I have observation tomorrow at Vineyard so I have to be up far too early. 

So heres to today...to flat tires, to helpin with homework, and to seconds of Sean. Thankful for today.


Ryan + Ashley said...

I missed Monday's episode! I was so bummed! Hope your Wednesday is a good one!

Unknown said...

I have it recorded. You can always come over here and catch up!

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